Non-urgent advice: Patient Notice
Walk-in services is no longer available at the practice
If you need medical services when the practice is closed, please visit NHS Services.
Alternatively, you are more than welcome to register with us, please browse our website to learn more about what we offer.
Our services
Contraception and Sexual Health Services
Find out more about our Contraception and Sexual Health here.
Downloads and Online forms
We have put together some useful downloads for you:
Complaint, Compliment and Suggestions form
Health check form – Male adult
Health check form – Female Adult
Health check form – Child (under 16)
Proxy Access for online Medical records access
Downloadable Registration Form (.pdf)
Here is a quick access to online forms:
Health Care Assistant (HCA) Clinics
Our health care assistants offer:
- NHS checks
- Stitch removal
- Help manage long term conditions like COPD and diabetes
- Healthy Living Advice
- Stopping Smoking Services
- Flu Vaccinations
Interpretation Services
Please do let the reception staff know if you require an interpretation service, including BSL.
We work in partnership with an NHS accredited company called Language Line.
Please let the reception staff now which language you need an interpreter for and they will add this as an alert to your notes.
We do not recommend bringing family or friends to translate on your behalf as they may not be familiar with medical terminology and there is a risk that key information is lost in translation by a non medically trained translator.
To convert this website into another language, please use the language selector at the top and bottom of the page.
We welcome refugees and asylum seekers to register with us.
Minor Surgery Services
The practice is able to refer you to local providers that offer a wide range of Minor Surgery procedures for registered and referred patients within practices located in Islington.
Please speak to your GP for more information.
Non-NHS Services
Private Medical Examinations
Medical examinations for special purposes such as pre-employment, fitness to travel, elderly drivers, fitness to undertake sports etc., will require longer than a routine appointment.
These examinations do not form part of NHS Services, you will be charged for any such examination; please check the fee chargeable page here before arranging any such examination.
Please inform the receptionist when arranging such appointments.
Private Work Fees
The NHS provides free health care for most people.
It is important to understand that GPs are self employed and not all of the services we provide are covered by the NHS payments to the practice.
Please expect a fee for non NHS services. The staff or your doctor should inform of any charges before carrying out non NHS work.
We also offer private medicals which may be needed by any agency such as your employer or for overseas visa applications. Please contact the Practice Manager for further details.
If you would like to request a medical report please contact the surgery.
Practice Nurse Clinics
Our practice nurses offer:
- Long term condition management (eg hypertension, diabetes etc)
- Spirometry
- ECGs
- Cervical Smears
- NHS Health Checks
- Wound dressing
- Cryotherapy
- Travel Health Advice
- Health Living Advice
- Sexual Health Advice
- Stopping smoking Services
- Vaccinations
- Stitch Removal
Social Prescribing Services
What is a Social Prescribing
Our social prescribing service strives to empower you to take charge of your health and well-being.
The GP Practice Healthcare Team provides Social prescribing services through a Link Worker. Link Workers assists you in discovering personalised methods to boost your well-being. The Link worker will help you find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.
The Link Worker helps individuals find local support and activities for their wellbeing. They work with Islington Council, NHS, and the voluntary sector to connect you to tailored resources. They offer emotional support, practical help, and advice.
You must be over 16 years old to use the service.
What could a Link Worker support you with?
- Housing, benefits, financial support and advice
- Finances and debt
- Creative and outdoor activities
- Befriending, counselling and other support groups
- Involvement in local groups and activities
- Healthy lifestyle and physical activity
- Social and learning opportunities
- Work, training and volunteering
- Education and learning
What are the benefits?
- Reduced isolation and loneliness
- Lower stress and anxiety
- Improve quality of life
- More motivation, mood and energy
- More confidence
- Finding local activities and services, and help you access them
- Have a more active lifestyle
How do I get an appointment with a Link Worker?
- Complete an eConsult form or contact your GP practice
- A healthcare professional or reception staff member from your GP Practice team will provide a referral for you.
- The Link Worker will reach out to you via phone within 5 working days from the referral date to discuss the referral. During the call, the Link Worker may suggest meeting you either at your GP practice or another local venue.
- To provide you with the best possible care, the Link Worker will need access your complete medical records, but only if you grant consent during the initial referral process.
- You can also self-refer with AgeUK Islington and their services on 0207 281 6018
- If you’re 11-25 you can self refer to Lift for Social Prescribing services
Vaccinations Services
Please visit the Government Foreign Office website to confirm if it is recommended or not to travel to your destination by clicking here.
We offer the following free vaccinations (subject to availability) on the NHS:
- Hepatitis A
- Tyhpoid
- Hepatitis A and typhoid combined
- Hepatitis A and B combined
- Revaxis (DTP)
These vaccines protect against diseases which are considered to be the greatest risk to public health if they were brought into the country.
There is currently a national shortage of some vaccines. We may need to order some vaccines if not in stock, so please contact us as soon as possible by completing our online form and sending it to us as soon as possible. ideally at least 3 weeks in advance.
Once we receive your form, one of our nurses will contact you to give advice or book an appointment.
We are not able to offer the travel vaccines listed below, these are available at private travel clinics and you will be charged to receive them:
- Hepatitis B
- Meningitis C and other Meningitis vaccines
- Japanese encephalitis
- Rabies
- Tick-borne encephalitis
- Tuberculosis
- Yellow fever
Antimalarial tablets are not available on NHS prescriptions however they can be purchased from private travel clinics, including via the pharmacy on site.