- Below is a list of services that you can access directly without the need to contacting your practice.
- UCH Maternity/Antenatal Services Self Referral
- Whittington Maternity/Antenatal Services Self Referral
- Physiotherapy Self Referral
- Podiatry Self Referral
- I-Cope Mental Health Services
- Online Mental Health and Support Services for 11-25 year olds via Kooth.com
- If you are suffering a Mental Health Crisis, please call the Islington Crisis Team on 0800 917 3333
- How to chase a referral arranged by your GP
- If you need to chase, change or cancel an appointment that was arranged by the practice, we recommend that you contact the Referral Management Team directly on 0345 608 8888 or www.nhs.uk/referrals
- You will need your booking reference number and access code. These will be on the letter sent to you for your referral.
- Transport for a Hospital Appointment
- Depending on your personal situation you may be entitled to transportation to and from your hospital to attend appointments.
- This will normally be subject to your level of mobility and financial status.
- Please contact the Transport team directly to arrange any transport needs.
- UCLH – 020 3456 7010
- Whittington Hospital – 0333 240 4909
- Moorfields Hospital – 0333 240 4909